
Hello, its lovely to meet all. Thanks for paying a visit.
I should tell you about myself but the thing is I'm still discovering my identity everyday and everyday brings a new piece to the puzzle. 
But I'll try my best.

brown eyes
straight hair

Who I am:
tea drinker//book reader//extrovert//oldest sister//organizer//perfectionist//word lover//adventurer//photography lover//doodler//jesus lover//night owl

What I love:
daisies. sunsets .tea .friends .my family .jesus. pretty nails. patterns. vintage. long walks. sunrises. thunderstorms. words. food. the ocean. kindness. hugs. smiles. pjs. wild flowers. blankets. music. fireworks. pastels. clothes. photography. coffee. movies.


  1. Hey! Lovely blog you've got here! I like it. Totally love the design as well. Well, I've got news for you, you've just got a new follower! Yay for you! :]

    Oh and check out my blog too, if ya wanna. It's thestoryofthisgirlslife.blogspot.com See you there!



  2. Hey Natasha!
    thank! glad you enjoy my blog ( :
    And guess what? you just got a new follower as well!
    I love your blog. its great!
    looking forward to reading your future posts!
    Nyah Xxx

  3. Hi Nyah! :)
    I love your blog, I found it because I follow you on Pinterest. I decided to follow your blog as well =)
    We're so much alike, too! I'm homeschooled, Christian, and a bookworm. XD

  4. Hey Abigail! Thankyou so much!! Thanks also for the follow on pinteres (: whats your name on pinterest? Do you have a blog? I'd love to check it out!♡ thanks again xx

    P.s sorry I haven't posted for like ages! I dont really know what to blog about :^ im open for suggestions! !:)♡ X

    1. My name on Pinterest is Abigail Grace ♥, I think you follow me already :) yes, my blog is http://maplestreetdolls.blogspot.com . That one is about AG dolls, but I really want to make a personal blog, but I really don't have enough time. =( but if I do eventually make a personal blog, I'll let you know!

      You could just post something completely random :) that's my favorite type of posts :)

  5. I love your blog Nyah! I'm a bookworm too! I guess a lot of bloggers around here are. :) Love your design by the way.
    Can't wait to read your next post!


  6. Thank you so much Aliah!! Yup I love reading :)! Let me know if you have any suggestions for blog posts!! Oh and the design was done by the lovely tane from fifth out of ten♥ thanks again xx
    Nyah xxx

  7. You have a lovely blog! I'm definitely going to follow! I'm also a homeschooled Christian girl who loves to read! I can't wait to your up coming posts!

    My Photography Blog~maddysdigitaldiary.wordpress.com
    My Group Blog~girlslivingforgodsglorywordpres.com


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